Joe Beernink

Monthly Archives: June 2012

Very well, thank you very much. While the rest of the country is pre-grilling their veggies before they even get picked, the Pacific Northwest has been serving up a spring growing season like I have never before seen. We’ve been eating lettuce and radishes for a few weeks now. Since I’ve been working from home so much, I often step outside just before lunch or dinner, cut off a few handfuls of… Read More

The finals panels were installed yesterday, and now my death ray solar array is complete. There are still a few things that need to be done to complete the build (like final inspections), but soon, soon I will have THE POWER! I promise to use it mostly for good. Mostly. MWHA-ha-ha-ha-ha…ahem. Okay, I’m dropping back out of evil professor voice now to give a few details on the system: The What: 14… Read More

It is now too late to stop me. Soon, I will harness the greatest power in the Solar System, and you will all kneel before me! Tomorrow, I will enable my creation and destroy save the Earth!

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to do more to support local businesses. It’s become a real habit that I shop locally first before looking for an item on-line or driving to Seattle to find it. If a local business doesn’t have something I want, I see if they can special order it for me. It may cost a little more to shop this way, but then at least I know… Read More

It’s starting to a look a lot like WORLD DOMINATION.

My super-sekret project begins. It doesn’t look like much now, but soon it will. And when it is complete, I will RULE THE WORLD!

For a new writer, expressing political views of any kind is probably the third rail of building a platform; you’re liable to irritate or outright chase away a good fraction of your readership in one or two sentences. You may even offend an agent, a publisher or a potential freelance client before you even get the chance to pitch to them. Turning a blog about writing and personal stuff, into a place… Read More

A very big package was delivered yesterday afternoon—a Father’s Day present, perhaps? I wonder what it is? I can’t wait!

I’ve really slowed down on my movie watching the last few weeks. Working 6 or 7 hours a day just doesn’t leave many two-hour blocks of time to watch movies, especially if the kids are around. So my movie watching has been mainly confined to the nights where my wife is out. On nights where she is home, we prefer to watch only one or two TV shows, since by the time… Read More

Today marks the end of my fourth month of my battle against Guillain-Barre Syndrome. I’m looking back at my 3 month update to see what has actually changed in the last month so I don’t get too repetitive. This may be a short update. I’m usually able to get 6 hours of work in per day, and have gone as long as 7.5, but I was pretty much brain dead after that…. Read More