Goodreads Giveaway – NOWHERE WILD

Just a quick heads up that I’ve got another giveaway going on over on my Goodreads page. Enter today for a chance to win a signed hardcover copy of NOWHERE WILD!

Contest ends April 10th, so by my count, you’ve got just 11 days left to enter. Hurry!


2 Comments on “Goodreads Giveaway – NOWHERE WILD

  1. Hello, Joe: Are you aware there are other “Beerninks” in the Seattle area–probably unrelated–from a line that came to Washington (Lynden) through Wisconsin in early 20th century?
    Carol Beernink Kirby

    • Nope… hadn’t heard of them. Interesting though. I moved here in ’99 so if there is a relation, it’s way, way back!