Upcoming Events for April and May

I’ve finally gotten around to updating my events page, and have two confirmed events between not and early May:

I had such a fantastic time at A Book For All Seasons in Leavenworth, WA last weekend, that I’m going back on April 30th for Indie Bookstore Day here in the US. I’ll be there from 3-6 PM, signing books and chatting it up with customers. It really is a fantastic store. Can’t wait to go back!

Also, on May 8th, I’ll be signing book in the Issaquah, WA Barnes & Noble from 1 PM to 3 PM. This is my first local appearance in sing last fall, so I’m hoping there is pent-up demand for signed copies of NOWHERE WILD. Hope to see lots of my local peeps out for that one.

Of course, July is also approaching, and that mean the PNWA Convention—my first as a published author. !!!Goosebumps!!!

If you are local bookstore owner, or librarian, and want me to come out for a reading or a signing, please feel free to contact me, and we’ll see what we can get done!