Joe Beernink

Today, I imported all of my blog entries from my old blogging site I started that blog back in 2006, and then moved around a bit as I tried new...

Hi All, I can’t promise I’ll write much, but I’ll try to be better with the pictures.  I finally downloaded everything off my iPhone so here are some of the more...

I’ve been blogging here at Cranium Outpost since November 2006.  A lot has changed in 3.5 years.  I went from this blog being mainly about my family, to a lot of...

Weekends can seem long, or they can be long.  It kind of depends on how the kids are behaving, and how much you preplanned to get done during the days. We...

I’ve been cruising through my latest novel and have surpassed the 40000 word mark, which is the magical half way point.  But if I’m honest with myself, I’ve cheated a bit,...

It’s a nice day in the PNW, so what do I do?  I upgrade my web site to ASP.NET MVC 2.0, .NET 4 and VS2010. Not too hard, but needed to...

I haven’t been writing here lately, because I’ve been writing elsewhere a lot lately.  As in my latest novel.  I’m hovering around the 35000 word mark, which in the world of...

As I said in my last blog post, I’ve been reading a lot lately, at almost a dangerous pace.  So much so fast that it seems I could have a reading...

It’s been almost a month since my last post, and I’m on the train, so his may be a bit jumbled. The biggest news is that Reece has finally come to...

So besides the reading and the movie watching, what’s been going on? I’ve been working a lot the last few weeks, getting a few projects ready to go.  Things should start...