Joe Beernink

Today, I am proud to announce that I am now client of literary agent Sally Harding and The Cooke Agency.  I’ve been sitting on this news for quite a while, but...

I find it a little funny that I am writing this blog entry as I procrastinate from actually working on my next book.  When I’m really in the writing mode, I...

Yes, I am back to writing.  I wrote about 3000 words this week, which isn’t a heck of a lot, but when I did write, the sessions were very productive.  I’ve...

My writing updates lately have been a victim of events in my life.  In my last update, I lamented how I was falling behind because my kids were sick and I...

I wrote one chapter this week.  In a book I had already finished.  Okay, it’s not done, however I didn’t think I’d be writing entirely new chapters for Army of  the...

I try to keep these weekly, but sometimes things get in the way.  Last week(end) it was my day job, requiring insane number of hours to try to get a project...

For the last year or so I’ve been hosting my web site on my own server in my house.  I built the site using some of the software technology I use...

I made the big decision this week to switch the point of view of my current novel from third to first person.  I was only about 2500 words into it, but...

This will be a short, entry, mainly because I didn’t write very much this week – about 2000 words total, and most of that was in a single session last weekend. ...

A new year, and a new book.  I started the actual writing of my newest book this morning.  The working title is Labeled.  This is another example of how bad I...