Joe Beernink

Yes, I am writing. Not as much as I was a few weeks ago, but I’m working on something a little different. There’s no daily word count or estimate for completion....

I finished my first read-through edit of my ‘Labeled’ last night. It’s not as bad as I thought it was. It still needs a lot of polish and probably a rewrite...

The tag line says it. The first draft of my latest novel ‘Labeled’ is now complete. I thought it was going to take a little longer than this, but it came...

I’m getting very close the end of my current work in progress. I spent most of the last two days’ writing sessions working on the climactic scene, which is quite possibly...

As I wrap up the first draft of my fifth novel, I’ve come up with a list of lessons I’ve learned from writing them. Some of these are mistakes that have...

Progress on my work in progress came in big chunks since my last post.  At the start of my writing day on May 15th, I had 48577 words. Today I ended...

Getting back on the train has paid big dividends for me for writing this week, as has having a reliable computer to work on. I’ve gotten used to the keyboard on...

This was just one of those weeks where real writing (as in increasing word count) didn’t happen. The world was conspiring against me. I will now begin to list my excuses...

I got stuck this last week.  Stuck deep in the mud of telling and not showing in my work in progress.  For a writer, the sin of telling the reader something,...

You would think that being stuck at home recovery from surgery would offer me plenty of time to write.  Heck, I even thought that.  I thought I would get writing done...