Joe Beernink

Monthly Archives: March 2013

I can’t recall where I first heard that reading your work aloud could really help with the editing process. Jason Black probably mentioned it in one of his talks at the PNWA Conference. Or perhaps Sally Harding planted the seed in my brain during one of our many conversations. But I never really tried it until I did my last edit on my novella 38 Years Old (Never Kissed a Girl) back… Read More

When I graduated from university in 1994, the Canadian economy was in the tank. And because of that (and only because of that, I’m sure), my visions of employers hunting me down and begging me to come help them put a man (or a woman) on Mars as soon as I received my diploma, never came to fruition. Apparently, employers back then wanted practical skills and experience. Sure, I’d been doing farm… Read More

I’d never heard of Halestorm until I heard this song on the radio last week. Reminds me Evanescence a bit. Haven’t heard of a lot of their other stuff yet, but if it’s anything like this, I’ll be filling my rock playlist full. Enjoy. And Turn it Up Loud.

When you think of science fiction, do you think of flying cars and space ships? Do you imagine aliens and humans in some post-apocalyptic Earth, battling for what’s left of a ravaged planet? Or, do you think more like Ramez Naam does in Nexus—imagining what the next thirty years will be like? Do you wonder what advances will be made in science in the next three decades that will not only change… Read More

Yesterday I released the last episode of my novella, 38 Years Old (Never Kissed a Girl) here on my blog. If you want to know how it all started, or need an index to specific chapters, please jump back to my original announcement. I thought I’d post a few quick notes on this experiment. Hopefully this will help others to decide if this is a good approach to take for one of… Read More

Author’s Note: This is Part 15 of a series of posts serializing my novella 38 Years Old (Never Kissed a Girl). For more information on the origins of this novella, including all disclaimers, and a complete chapter list, please see the announcement regarding this series. Epilogue Mike got another five years tacked to his sentence for the escape. All but one of the fugitives was caught within seventy two hours. The last… Read More

Author’s Note: This is Part 14 of a series of posts serializing my novella 38 Years Old (Never Kissed a Girl). For more information on the origins of this novella, including all disclaimers, and a complete chapter list, please see the announcement regarding this series. Chapter 14 At first, I thought it was a dream—a familiar dream perhaps, but a dream. I dreamt of a light tapping sound coming from beside my… Read More

Author’s Note: This is Part 13 of a series of posts serializing my novella 38 Years Old (Never Kissed a Girl). For more information on the origins of this novella, including all disclaimers, and a complete chapter list, please see the announcement regarding this series. Chapter 13 Shortly after one, Davey and I drove a few miles out of town in his Dodge Dart to get a bite to eat for lunch…. Read More

Author’s Note: This is Part 12 of a series of posts serializing my novella 38 Years Old (Never Kissed a Girl). For more information on the origins of this novella, including all disclaimers, and a complete chapter list, please see the announcement regarding this series. Chapter 12 During the trial, there had been the occasional reporter by our place, either taking pictures, filming a news-spot for the six o’clock, or interviewing neighbors… Read More

Author’s Note: This is Part 11 of a series of posts serializing my novella 38 Years Old (Never Kissed a Girl). For more information on the origins of this novella, including all disclaimers, and a complete chapter list, please see the announcement regarding this series. Chapter 11 Like I said, I was living at home, and working down at Falcon in ’73. On that particular Friday night, I was staying in, being… Read More